The restrictions on the use of the scheme are as follows:
- Smart card can't be used for inter-regional travel, such as for journeys from the Bay of Plenty to another region.
- Smart card can't be used in the course of your employment. However they can be used to get to and from work.
- Smart card can't be used where transport-related financial assistance is available from another official source.
- The maximum discount payable for a single journey is $37.5, 75 percent of a $50 fare.
- Smart card can be used in other regions. except Hawke's Bay and West Coast areas. To travel in these regions a voucher is still required. Please contact the council before you use the program in these regions.
- Other than the need to comply with the above restrictions, Smart card can be used on any taxi journey, at any time. There is no other restriction on the purpose of any individual trip taken under the scheme, the frequency of use or the distance traveled.